Saturday, April 5, 2008


My friends have been quilting for about a year, and for the most part I've avoided it because I had no idea how to sew (and not a ton of extra time to try to learn). Well little by little, I became interested, and Mike got me a sewing machine for Christmas. For months it sat on the floor in my room and I didn't even know how to thread it. We had a mother-daughter sewing day a few weeks ago...where Madi and I made her a skirt with LOTS of help, but in doing that I at least got a rough idea about how to thread the machine. Today Madi spent some birthday money and a gift card on a quilt kit. I told her I'd try to help her at least get started tonight. We started cutting...and sewing...and the end of the night we had a finished project!


tuckersmom432 said...

How really great! I've always been intrigued by quilting, too! Nice job and love the picture of Madi sleeping with it!

crispy said...

Great job!!! It looks awesome. I love learning new things.

Tiffany said...

Great job Madi (and mom)! The quilt looks great, I love the satiny material in it.

Smith Schoolhouse said...

way to go Madi & mom!!! I hopefully will be following in your footsteps here soon!!! It is so hard to get started but I know a finished project will light my fire! Thanks for the spark!!!

oneblessedmamma said...

Yea! I knew you BOTH could do it. How exciting for Madi!

Randi Sue said...

What a great feeing to have finished a project.

Leisa said...

hi maddy i love your quote

5Gustos said...

It looks wonderful...good enough to snuggle up in!