Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Sometimes a blog post hits you at 5:30 in the morning, and the only thing you can do is drag yourself out of the comfy bed and go with it. Facebook gets a bad rap (or is it wrap?), and believe me as a mom of two teenagers, I know you have to be vigilant about it. I, however, am a facebook fan, if facebook were a page, I'd "like" it. I think there is nothing like it when it comes to keeping in touch, and aren't relationships what life is all about anyway?! Currently I have dozens of facebook friends in need of prayers. I'm doing my best to hold up my end of the bargain and keep them all in my prayers and close to my heart. There's my lifelong friend whose sister-in-law passed away suddenly. A college friend whose 12 year old son is recovering from what sounds like a bad accident. A local friend whose baby nephew is in the hospital in desperate need of prayers. An elementary school friend whose mother is fighting for her life. In most of these cases, I don't even know the whole story, but God does, and I can pray. Through facebook this morning, I found out that one of my father's old bosses just passed away. I'll always remember him as the man relatives made me invite to my parents' surprise 25th anniversary party. Without facebook, I wouldn't know a lot of these things (and the rest I probably wouldn't have found out about until way after the fact). Without knowing, I wouldn't be praying. Twitter is another one. I don't know much about twitter, I don't tweet, but Mike (who doesn't tweet either) just told me this story about a kidney transplant that will take place thanks to the wonders of social media. There is plenty of bad stuff out there, I know that, but I prefer to look at the social media glass as half full. I think when technology is used correctly it can help a lot of people, it can save lives, bring people together, encourage prayer, and maybe even bring people to God. Not bad for something that is free and easy.


Debbie said...

I completely agree..there is always bad with the good...thats life! But, with FB there is a lot of good! I credit it with keeping me strong, and not allowing me to fall into a lonely place which might cause me to compromise for the sake of companionship! Keeping in touch with people, no matter the venue, is a powerful thing!!

Melissa said...

Well said!

Kirsten said...

My Dad is here now and I have been looking at FB with him. He has a FB and so does my entire family and extended family, old highschool friends. It was very fun to see everyone. However, I still won't join. Not because I think FB is bad, although I have seen a lot of bad situations as a result of FB but because I just know it will suck me in! lol.
Can't wait to see you!

Tiffany said...

I waver on how I feel about it...yes, knowing more about people allows you to pray for them but sometimes for me knowing more about what is going on with everyone can become very stressful. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from getting all into it again after my glorious December hiatus. But, it is a great way to connect with people as well as keep up with their lives--I totally see both sides of it.

ann marie said...

I can see both sides of it. It can be useful and it can be a waste of time. It's all how you choose to use it, just like everything else in life. I can't go on it too much because I will end up getting carried away with letting it become a time buster. The computer in general is like that for me though - sort of like the telephone used to be before I had email.