Sunday, January 8, 2012

Daybook-y stuff

In my house...I am currently the only one. Mike has gone to Publix and to pick Jonathan up from his Theology of the Body class, Madi is babysitting down the street, and Jake is out playing with the neighborhood gang.

Bread... is rising, and I even went to the gym today, clearly it is the beginning of a new year. my mother's 63rd birthday!

Tomorrow... we are going to have a productive school day around here.

This week... Mike's mother is coming down for a visit, she gets here on Friday. She flies down with Mike who will be working in NJ for a few days this week.

I finally joined the e-mealz bandwagon, and I am very happy with it. Very soon I will be putting a chicken ranch cornflake yummy meal in the oven. I do e-mealz the same way I homeschool. It is really helpful to have a guide, but I'm just not the type to follow it to the letter (ie there will be no frozen peas as a side dish any time soon {for the record frozen peas are fine in chicken pot pie or shepherd's pie, but by themselves? no thank you} we'll stick to fresh broccoli, carrots, squash, or green beans). The canned peaches mixed with butter and brown sugar though? Yes ma'am I could eat that everyday!!

I still haven't figured out why pictures that I flip right side up won't stay that way on my computer.

I subbed for Jake's CCD class this morning. I learned some interesting things. I told him after class that I'd like him even if he wasn't my kid (there have been times where I've questioned this). It was interesting to watch how he measured up to a bunch of mostly public school kids that I hardly know. He knew considerably more answers (which may just be because he knows the kind of questions I ask), he also can read aloud as well as any of them and better than many of them. He was slow as molasses trying to copy down fill in the blank words that were printed right in his book though. I mentioned this to Madi who had been the helper in Jake's class until this week when her Confirmation class times changed, and she said he's also very slow when they cut things out. Jake pointed out as his teacher it is my responsibility to teach him to do these things well. Guess who will be doing some cutting and copy work this week!

Well now everyone is home and needing me for things like receipts and food prep and to direct people to unload the dishwasher and fold laundry. Time to crack the whip!


DebiH. said...

I am with you on the e-mealz. As much as I love it, I have found that it does not bother me at all to be flexible. Even if it is pre-planned and in the budget...if we don't like it, it is a waste of time. Sometimes I just switch the veggies/side dish. I would also never do instant potatoes but it is no big deal to make real ones instead.

Julie said...

Me too about the potatoes!!

Melissa said...

Yep, I change up the e-mealz all the time. I can easily do that - it is the overall meal planning that I love at this point in my life.

Kirsten said...

Love your day poky stuff. It makes me feel like we are hanging out and chatting. I am trying e-meals for the first time this week. I'll let you know how it goes!

Kirsten said...

That should say daybooky. Good ole auto correct :0)

Tiffany said...

Kirsten...I wondered what "day poky" was. There is a whole website dedicated to funny iPhone autocorrect texts. A lot of them are totally inappropriate though so be careful! I usually like most things homemade over convenience but one of my favorite things are instant potatoes. Weird but true. Glad to hear that you've decided you'd like Jake even if he wasn't yours. :0) I do know what you mean though, it's interesting to see our kids in a classroom setting and we can't help but compare. Also, about the cutting--not sure where I got it (probably US TOY) but years ago I had a little workbook called, "Scissors Skills" and it was all sorts of things to cut out. Hannah did it and loved it.

ann marie said...

The kids eat a lot of instant potatoes. I know they are kind of weird, but they are so quick and easy in a pinch. All of my girls were great at cutting, Anthony not so much. Maybe it's a boy thing. They were also better at holding a pencil.

Julie said...

Am, maybe girls do all the cutting so boys never get a chance to hone their skills, kind of like altar serving.

ann marie said...

Julie, you need to get a "like" button like facebook has.

Julie said...


I'm always looking for a like button!