Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nature Center Field Trip

We're making up for no school yesterday. Jake did his schoolwork early this morning and Jonathan and Madi are doing theirs now. In addition to that we had a very informative trip to the Nature Center today. The topic was spiders and we saw some spiders and played two different games about spiders. Because nature is unpredictable we also saw many other things like...I was trying hard to remember the names of everything I think this is called creeping aster.

We saw tons of these walking sticks. They are also called devil riders, they spray acid to protect themselves.

A red shouldered hawk...

Beauty berries...

This is called salt bush or "Florida snow" and something else more technical too, but those were the names I remembered.

Spanish needles...



crispy said...

There was a beautiful Red Shoulder Hawk in my yard just yesterday. I went out to the garden and it flew away. Just beautiful.

Looks like a great field trip.

ann marie said...

We love that place. I think it's the same nature center I'm thinking of. Nice pictures.

p.s. no strep throat! yeah!