Monday, April 12, 2010

Early morning

I am going to attempt to not whine about the lack of comments lately. I mean there never were a lot of comments to begin with, but really...

We joined a local gym and three days in, we are hooked. Mike and Jonathan got up at 5am this morning to go work out. This was supposed to mean I could stay in bed. It didn't. Here I am!

We had a two week spring break, but it is over today! We need to hit the books hard! We also have extra bookclub meetings, extra babysitting, etc etc in the next few weeks, so a lot of this will be done on the run! (but it WILL be done!!)

I found a deer tick on myself when we returned home from camping the other night! UGH!

Jonathan and Madi's youth group is having a 50's dance fundraiser this Saturday. They've not sold many tickets. Sadly it wasn't very well advertised. We are doing our part to sell tickets though, and if you are local, prepare for me to bug you to go! It's $10 a ticket, food and a rootbeer float are included. It is for all ages and dressing "50's" is optional! Please come!

Mike and Jonathan are back so I'm going to go have a spinach smoothie with them. (don't worry we haven't gone completely off the deep end, we bought way too many boxes of Reece's Puffs cereal yesterday-- it was buy one get one!)


Meme said...

Hi Hope you have a wonderful week and we can't wait to go to the 50's will be fun I'm sure, hopefully alot of your friends will be there too!!!!

Tiffany said...

I don't get that many comments anymore either. I think we have Facebook to blame. I know people are still reading my blog but I get more feedback on Facebook when I post. I don't post much there though because I much prefer blog world.
I will ask Ollie about the dance. I doubt he would want to go but possibly the girls and I could.
Ticks--yuck! I used to get them on me a lot when I was a kid. They still gross me out.
I think I might make a green smoothie this morning too.
Here's to having a busy but productive school week!

Mike said...

Sorry I don't post, but I don't hear from you on my blog too often either :) We are all just BUSY, BUSY.. Plus I get to see you IRL!

Just know I do read it ...

Mike said...

WHAT??? WHY am I coming up as MIKE? Has he hijacked my blog?

Leisa said...

Ok, I'm back..

How is that for 3 comments... Maybe I can log in under other peoples profiles and leave messages for you...

Leisa said...

Okay since we are at it let's see if we can get Julie up to 20 comments, okay!

Should I post something controversial in my comment. Like I heard Tiffany dresses up like a bumble bee...

Tiffany said...

Oh, aren't you funny Leisa! I was wondering who Mike was and which blog was his. I only know one man with a blog and he never posts.

ann marie said...

No one comments on mine either, except for you, and I always appreciate it, so I should comment on yours, too.

lmc said...

IMO Peanutbutter capn'crunch is better than reese cereal alhtough you know I could eat reese (the candy) for breakfast lunch and dinner, you can't beat buy one get one free.