Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Star of the Show

Yes, I am going be one of those bragging moms for a little while, Madi played the lead role in SchoolHouse Rock last night and she was Fantastic!!


Steph C. said...

FANtastic! Can't wait to see everyone this afternoon!!!!

crispy said...

You should be a proud Mom. Looks like she had fun too.

5Gustos said...

You got some great pictures! Doesn't that mean the lights were well "manned"?? (I'm making a plug for your son's light-work, there.)

Julie said...

Actually, oneblessedmamma took the great pictures!

Smith Schoolhouse said...

Oh, I hate that we missed it! Do you have it on video?

Kirsten said...

How cool Julie! I wish we could have been there also. Great pictures!