Sunday, March 23, 2008

What was in the baskets?

The bunny hides chocolate eggs at our house. Madi found the most (no surprise there). They also got some m&ms, peanutbutter eggs, and then little snack packages of cookies, fruit snacks etc. Jonathan and Madi got "wonka eggs" because they are going to be in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in May, and Jake got a hollow chocolate bunny. Madi got a skirt, socks and a headband, Jonathan got a swim shirt, and Jake got a cars bathingsuit. They all got pencils and these great holy books ( I'm trying hard to make this link work, but I'm not sure if it is going to! OK, I tried the link , it doesn't go to the books exactly, but I'm sure they are on the site somewhere, and this is my first link so I'm pretty proud of myself. Please excuse my clearing my throat on the Easter morning is pretty disgusting.


Tiffany said...

Wow! It's almost like Christmas!

Julie said...

The little books (which the link didn't really go to) are $1.25 a piece. The snack bags were things I'd buy anyway, but fill up the basket nicely. Like OBM said on her blog, a lot of times they get things that I've bought anyway and it is just a good time to give it to them. Jake did just wake up and say "when is Christmas again?" so I guess in their eyes it is like Christmas too.

DebiH. said...

Our Easter baskets were full of "fun" but useful things :) The girls each got pjs, earrings, notepads, and one box of their favorite candy. Oh, and orange tic tacs, they LOVE these for some reason. Nate got a toothbrush (his favorite thing right now), toddler silverware, a plastic boat. I put animal crackers in his eggs that were hidden. I put marshmallows in the girls' and a few with stickers. We tried to stay away from more candy because I just threw away the last of the Valentine's candy :)

Smith Schoolhouse said...

you are funny about the clearing your throat thing! Don't worry- I could hardly hear it over the music!