Sunday, January 4, 2009


to participate in the daybook go here.

FOR TODAY Sunday night (again) January 4th, 2009!!

Outside my's dark, there's a cool breeze blowing in the open window.

I am thinking...tomorrow morning is back to the "old grind".

I am thankful for...the semi-restful and very productive 11 days Mike had off.

From the learning rooms...I have no idea what we were even working on before our break, we'll start all over in the morning! I have decided to alter some of our plans by focusing a little less on History and Science not stressing if we don't "finish" before May, and a little more on math and reading.

From the kitchen...we had spaghetti and meatballs with Meme and Grampa Carlie tonight, I'm going out for Thai food with the ladies tomorrow night, but we have tons of food in the refrigerator and freezer. Jonathan plans to make tacos one night this week and Madi plans to make mac and cheese.

I am red "are you my type?"-giving blood Tshirt and red jammie pants with teddy bears on them.

I am creating...hmmm...well I am planning to create a schedule to accomodate our new school work plan.

I am try to educate my kids in the morning and also going to the dermatologist, so that is why I am doing this tonight.

I am reading...The Secret of Us by Roxanne Henke...a new author to like! Jonathan, Madi and I have to finish A Shepherd's Prayer by Thursday. I've been reading the Grinch over and over to Jake everynight plus one story out of his Veggie Tales Bible Storybook.

I am hoping...for health and happiness in 2009.

I am hearing...the kids not yet getting into bed.

Around the house...I left out the snowmen when I put away the rest of the Christmas stuff. I always try to leave them out in January, but they usually don't last the whole month.

One of my favorite things...going out for Thai food with my friends!

A few plans for the rest of the week: School work, dermatologist, back to Theatre, AWANA, and youth group, Homeschool PE starts Tuesday, babysitting, American kids' club at the library Wednesday, Mike and Jonathan have accupuncture on Wednesday, my mother turns 60 on Thursday (hard to believe!!), and probably more that I am forgetting!

Here is a picture story I am sharing...


Cindy said...

I usually keep the snowmen out in January, too. Then they get replaced by Valentine's Day.

Tiffany said...

We finally got everything put away today. We also had a productive and finally, restful Christmas break. I think I'm ready to get back in the swing of things tomorrow!
I'm going to do my daybook tonight too because I am hoping to stay off the computer tomorrow morning.