Monday, January 27, 2014


While I'm sitting here aimlessly clicking through blogs, I found a link up where tons of people linked to list of the best books they've read this year (last year actually), and I'm going to want to go back to it again and again.  While I am sometimes the type to reread Judy Blume books or blog posts over and over again, I am always on the look out for other good books to read.  Sometimes I almost fall into that category that I detest which is spending more time looking for books to read than actually reading books, but anyway.  Without further ado (I googled that, I thought it might be's not!)  here is the link of links.

And speaking of books and reading in an hour I am going to Jake's school to help a third grader that I don't know yet practice their reading.  Maybe I can give the child a little help in the run-on sentence department because I see to be a pro at that!

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