Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

I'm not sure that I'll do this Thurday Thirteen thing every week, but I had a fairly eventful and productive trip to Walmart today (not my favorite place) and since that was riddled with blog material I figured I could kill two birds with one stone and create a list of...

Thirteen things I got at Walmart today...

1. An umbrella to attach to the back of my chair for shade when I watch Jake's Little League games

2. PINOCCHIO on DVD in honor of the fact that it was my grandparents' first date (they met at a square dance)

3. Hot chocolate

4. Sugar-free hot chocolate for Mike

5. Walmart brand Head and Shoulder's shampoo

6. 4 boxes of capri suns for the two games that we have to bring snacks and drinks for Jake's games

7. Granola bars...also for snacks for LL

8. A box of 12 individual bags for cheez-its...ALSO for LL snack

9. 500 sheets of printer paper (to replace all of the paper I used printing the lapbook stuff yesterday)

10. Two boards for our Guatemala display

11. Double-sided tape (for Guatemala display and other lapbooks)

12. Star Wars Clone Wars Monopoly on clearance for an upcoming birthday party (shh don't tell)

13. An excruciating headache and renewed appreciation for Target and Publix


That Girl said...

you were very productive on your trip!

Anonymous said...

This looks like a get ready for Summer list to me.

My T13 today was silly. It's at

Cindy said...

Great list! Good luck with the Guatamala project!

Celeste said...

Good list. Target I do not like and Publix I have never been. I do like Aldi's

Randi Sue said...

I would love to see Jake play. I know he is so in to baseball.

Tiffany said...

Publix had Capri Sun juice boxes 3 for $5 or maybe it was $6. Anyway, I stocked up!
I much prefer Publix and Target but there are times I have to go to Wal-mart. I survive but hate it!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a successful shopping trip. Happy TT.