Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Train of thought

Sometimes I really wonder if there is something wrong with me because I often can't think of the words I'm trying to say. I rationalize that my brain is just too full, and I hope that is really all that it is. I've joked to Mike that I have "Paula Abdul syndrome" You know how she sounds (like she has no idea what she is talking about), that's how I feel I sound most of the time. Jonathan and Madi and I just studied more about the brain today and we discussed how keeping it active is good for you. We did a very fun activity that I remember from a college class on learning (it was in our science book--God's Design for the Human Body). Take 6 index cards (we used 18--6 each) and write the names of colors in different colored markers (don't use the same color as the color word). We timed each other reading the words and then timed each other again saying the color of each word. It is much easier to read the word than it is to say the color because your brain automatically reads the word (we were just talking about this very thing at the park yesterday). Ahh... the park yesterday where we found out one friend had gotten SHOT (literally) (like a Beebee in the arm) while at her daughter's soccer game, and where we learned the friend from PE who had fallen during basketball broke both of her wrists. What a day! Today, basically everyone who we had plans with called to cancel because of sickness, or broken wrists, or something. I'm tired of sickness, I'm tired of talking about it. I'm tired of the swine flu media, I'm tired...and I'm cranky! You know how sometimes you just feel so good about the human race and you love everyone and it is all so rosy? Well, this is not one of those times for me. You know how you try so hard to teach your kids to keep their commitments (like reading the bookclub book, or dressing as an athlete for sports night at AWANA), and you really try to make a point about "doing it right"...only to get to AWANA for example to find that almost no one is dressed as an athlete...even most of the teachers didn't remember it was sports night. If I were really good, however, I'd be there volunteering and I'd be one of the teachers who remembered, but I'm not really good so I'm going to just be cranky and blog about it. I could go on and on, but no one really wants to hear it (I wouldn't blame you if you haven't read up to this point), if I were a blog-post-deleter I might delete this, but I'm not so I won't.


Leisa said...

ouch, I felt pesonally convicted from this post ;)

Sometimes it is hard on both sides of the commitment issue. I have been wanting to let eveything slide as the school year ends. We are in our final push to complete 20 weeks in 8 weeks. So needless I have been justifying letting non-academic pursuits fall. But you are right the teachers put in the effort to be at AWANA or book club, and it probably is not the best example to show my children quit when it gets tough....

Melissa said...

I have cranky days too - you are not alone.

crispy said...

Sometimes a good vent is all you need. Sorry everything is bumming you out. We all have had those moments. So let me be the first one to tell you to grab a glass of wine and watch a show that makes you laugh. =) It is good for the soul.

Cindy said...

I'm sorry you are having a cranky day...know that you are not alone (especially concerning the swine flu media---don't even get me started!) Hang in there!

Smith Schoolhouse said...

you are too funny! Aren't blogs great for venting like that? I love it! I too am sick of the swine flu thing. Flu is flu and it kills thousands of people every year. And why is it called swine flu if it has nothing to do with pigs???

Tiffany said...

Wow, you are grumpy! :0) I hope you are feeling better today. Our pastor's wife had a good ol' rant about swine flu on her blog. How the gov't is releasing a billion dollars to deal with this disease that has only infected a relative handful of people vs. autism that affects 1 in 150 children.
I hope you are having a better day!