Friday, April 17, 2009

Yard work

We have frantically been doing yard work with the ultimate goal of having less lawn and more planted areas... and a new patio area. We are headed out of town for a day and a half break and the yard work will continue in full force on Sunday!! Here are some pictures of the work in progress...

These clovers have quickly become my least favorite weed. They have these seed pods and when you pick them they frantically send out hundreds of seeds. They get all over your skin and clothes.


Smith Schoolhouse said...

yuk on the seeds but your yard is looking great!

crispy said...

The yard looks great. Good work.

Cindy said...

great job! looks good!

DebiH. said...

wow! that looks great!

Tiffany said...

It looks really good. I can't figure out where that mulched seating area is!

Anonymous said...

That looks great!