Saturday, June 6, 2009

HSM 2 and Homeschool Exhibition

Three down, one to go. Your last chance to see High School Musical is tomorrow at 2:00. The songs are really catchy...I should know, I can't get them out of my head!!

Today was our third annual homeschool exhibition. It is modeled after a similar exhibition in one of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. The kids can perform, recite, or demonstrate something that they have learned in the past year. We had a string quartet, some dancing, some multiplication, piano, flute, some poems, and science experiements. Jonathan and Madi chose two volunteers to help them demonstrate how if the names of colors are written in a different color it is generally easier to read the word and much harder to say the color it is written in. Unfortunately the volunteers were really good at saying the colors, but it was fun anyway. Jonathan, Madi, and Jake along with other homeschoolers from Theatre performed the High School Musical Meagamix. There is also an area for the kids to display their schoolwork where others can walk around and look at it. It is one of my many favorite events of the year.


Cindy said...

Looks like a great show and a great job done at the exhibition. Who sponsors the exhibition?

Randi Sue said...

We had fun at both!

Tiffany said...

Ollie told me to tell you and your kids that he has seen that done before and it really is quite difficult. He said he had a hard time with it.
The exhibition was really good. Made me proud to know all these kids!