Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The early days of homeschooling

These pictures came off of original website of our homeschool group from before Jake was born. It is all still out there in cyberspace. Do you recognize these kids??!!


Melissa said...

Look at cute little Evan and Jonathan (I think?). These pics are fun for me as I wasn't around in the old days. :)

ann marie said...

I wasn't either so I don't know who the kids are. But still cute.

Smith Schoolhouse said...

wow! Just like it was yesterday!

Tiffany said...

So cute!!! This is when I was just getting to know you guys. I couldn't come to Friday park days because we only had one car and Ollie had to have it on Fridays.

Julie said...

The top picture is Jonathan, OBM's oldest son, and the director of Camp Allegro who is also publisher of the bunkroom...see how far these kids have come.

The bottom picture is Madi doing show and tell, the old days of homeschool park day used to involve show and tell. I was just telling someone last week that we should do that again.

Melissa said...

Oh good - I meant to ask you to say who was in the pics. I wondered if the older girl was Miss Allego. I didn't have a clue that the bottom pic was Madi though.