Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How about this one?

This picture is worth a thousand you see atotallydifferentperson? How about the dress that Grace wears a lot?


ann marie said...

I do see a totally different person. What is that a picture of?

Julie said...

This was a homeschool field trip a long time ago, singing at a nursing home for Christmas.

ann marie said...

I would love to hear how you guys all met and how you all decided to homeschool. I think it is so nice that so many of you have been friends for so long. Okay, how many times can one woman say "so" in a comment.

ann marie said...

oh, by the way, i LOVE that beatrix potter quote

Smith Schoolhouse said...

CRAZY!!! I dont think i ever saw pix from that day! thanx for sharing.

Tiffany said...

I love it!!! We should all randomly share old pictures on our blogs. I loved when Debi was doing that. I do recognize Grace's favorite dress!

atotallydifferentperson said...

I remember that day. It was before I had kids of my own so I brought Rizzo's. I have some cute pics of your kids and some others from those days but I'm not sure if I can post them because they're not digital. I'll see what I can do.

Cheryl said...
